Our customers work in multiple markets, from large corporations to financial companies, universities, healthcare institutions and some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical and research companies.
Corporate & Finance
Corporations and financial companies make up a majority of AMS customers, typically implementing solutions in space and move management as well as the management of furniture assets, building equipment and maintenance. The maintenance management module is the most popular choice, providing the ability to maintain preventive maintenance (PM) schedules, place on-demand work orders, and track equipment history. This market most often focuses on scenario planning, group project moves, and maintenance/service needs for their employees.

In addition, they commonly run rent chargeback reports to calculate rentable space, prorating building common space automatically. Corporations will use desk booking and room scheduling solutions to better handle the management of both scheduled, coordinated meeting rooms as well as ad-hoc huddle rooms and hoteling desks. They can take advantage of the mobile app to book these spaces, access service requests and assets, and make space data updates while in the field. Corporate real estate can use the lease management module and the space utilization tools of FM:Systems to track space use and make more informed decision making.